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Top 5 Running Tips to Kick off your Season

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The spring running season has arrived and running aficionados around the globe are getting geared up for training and competition.

Unfortunately, research indicates that 8 of 10 runners will miss training due to injury this year. And, despite all of the advances in technology over the last 30yrs, 50% of runners will wind up injured to some degree.

So, to kick off your running season, here are our top five tips to help you avoid injuries and run like the wind:

Top 5 Running Tips


    Shoes rule in running but don’t be fooled by gimmicks.

    According to a study done at the University of Bern, Top of the line shoes Increase risk of injury by 123%.

    Other Sports & Exercise research has also indicated that cheaper shoes may be better for you.

    Regardless, if you are going to run, get to a good running store and get fitted for shoes that are right for you.


    There are many schools of thought when it comes to running technique and though it may vary from athlete to athlete, stride length and stride frequency are the constant variables when it comes to running performance. I like to increase stride frequency and avoid over-striding. We encourage every runner to seek out a top notch running coach – it’s worth every penny!


    If there is one mistake virtually every athlete makes…they underestimate the importance of proper hydration. Hydration impacts performance, reduces risk of injury, improves cognitive performance and supports recovery. Hydration is a 24 hour job and is single handily one of the easiest ways to improve your performance. Water is the undisputed beverage of choice and make sure you practice your hydration strategies when you train.


    Too much too soon is a lethal mistake for runners. Running requires a delicate balance between training Volume and training Intensity. So when we start our running programs we follow a strict 10% increase per week rule. And, I like to start off measuring training in minutes not miles. This allows our runners to maintain a safe intensity level based on how they are performing on any given day.


    There are many ways to get performance results but one thing we know about the human body …it responds better to variable training. This requires the balance of Light – Medium – Heavy training sessions. For our runners we will use strategies like intervals or Fartlek training, hills and stairs, cross training with a Bike, elliptical or rower and we ALWAYS incorporate regular strength training.

So lay out your training plan with care, start a training log book right away and give yourself plenty of time to prepare for that first race.

Remember, the great runners pay close attention to the details.

You can too, plan for it.

Twitter: @jeffkrush