Man, I can’t believe it is already that time of year again!
One of our favorite season’s here at KRUSH (other than the Olympics) and we are putting together another “Stuff your Stocking” giveaway to help with the holiday demands.
But in addition to that, we do still like to bring to your attention a few other gift ideas that might be cool for the athlete on your list.
Krush’s list is really the one you want to pay attention to, but if you long for another trip “off the beaten path” then follow me for another edition of:
1. DermaTherapy SPORT Performance Athletic Bed Sheets
OK, so we are now completely surrounded by Sport Performance wearable technology, equipment and even clothing.
Why shouldn’t we sleep surrounded by Performance as well? Wait, I am not implying that you don’t already have performance in bed, just that…whatever, never mind. Stay with me here people. Like it’s Sport Performance clothing predessessors, these sheets help you stay cool and dry. They are also supposed by odor and stain resistant (!) which should be helpful for all kinds of “athletic” activities. And another plus…the FDA even says they are good for folks with skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis!
2. LAGUTE Electric Multi-Purpose Portable Mixer Cup
Seems now more than ever, people are on the go and constantly smashing down some kind of fitness drink, supplement, smoothie or shake. Usually you don’t have the luxury of a blender in your office. And if you like waking your kids up in the morning to prepare that powdered protein drink, you know that it is all just settling to the bottom by the time you need to drink it at first coffee break! Enter this cool portable mixing cup with a little battery powered blender to save the day!
3. Vaiden Astronaut Workout Apparel
Ever wonder how astronauts regulate their temperatures in space? No, me neither. But someone smart at Vaiden did and also made the link that it could be very helpful to athletes as well! They have a cool line of “astronaut” workout gear using all sorts of tech to help with temperature and odor issues as well as being lightweight and functional.
4. LOCK Laces – Elastic No-Tie Laces
Now this goes against everything I have been preaching to my kids over the past couple years: Learning to tie your shoe laces will make you a more productive member of society, etc, etc. However, at some point we all long for the Velcro straps of our youth.
But in the trenches of sport and duress of long distance running, a measly Velcro strap will not get it done! And even in the lace up world, you just don’t wanna see your game winning shot ruined by a loose shoe. So here is a simple little stocking stuffer that can help “lock” your laces in place. Apparaently they also make getting your shoes on and off easier as well as making the shoe more comfortable. Bonus!
5. Nike’s Vapor Untouchable Football technology
Can’t get this stuff by Christmas time 2015 but Nike is at it again with a new high end Football series including uniforms and cleats. The jerseys weigh less and feature minimal seams and fewer panels, which helps improve “stretch, mobility, range of motion and durability. Sounds cool. I know most of you out there won’t be wearing ProBowl jerseys but there are lots of football players out there that can take advantage of the new cleat technology. The new NIKE VAPOR UNTOUCHABLE II cleat was developed using 3D printing and some fancy software to better understand and address the shoe layout and pressure points. It’s super light (9.5 ounces) and improves traction.
You will see these bad boys in the 2016 NFL ProBowl, NCAA Alamo Bowl and in January at Nike.com
6. BONUS ‘smart’ beer mug
OK…one bonus entry. Imagine watching the game with your buds, having a “soda” or two and when you team scores…your glass lights up in the colors of your team!!!! What if that same glass would flash to indicate a refill was required (especially handy in a busy establishment where your waitress could notice the light across the room). What if your glass could call you a cab? These kinds of miracles and many more are being suggested by Xtreme Tech. I don’t want to dash your dreams as this Kickstarter Campaign was canceled while I was still putting this article together but if you still want to get the details and see if this thing gets off the ground, I suggest you hit up their page and hopefully this is back for next year’s list!!!!!
Happy Holidays all!!!!!!!